6 Commonly Used Research Tools That Every Student Should Know
Research Tools

Research is considered one of the most time-consuming processes in academic writing. It is the backbone of any research work. The researcher must ensure that the content produced is unique to ensure credibility. There are different categories of research work. But the process of research work remains the same for them. The focus of this article remains on research tools.
6 Most Important Research tools
Grammarly is an application that is downloaded and installed on devices. However, this application may be accessed using internet resources. This web-based application is designed only to check grammatical mistakes. It proves to be one of the credible research tools. It helps the researcher identify mistakes during the research in soft copy and helps reduce errors from the research work. This application is useful in enhancing the readability of the text.
Moreover, it also helps in checking structure, context, and punctuation. This application also helps in detecting plagiarism from different platforms. These platforms include Facebook, WordPress and Microsoft Word. This application is free to use. A paid version of this application is also available for premium users. The free access to the application helps check grammar, spelling and some suggestions to improve readability.
In comparison, the paid version helps the researcher in improving the quality. The premium version improves the text’s vocabulary and meets the context of the document. Plagiarism detected using the premium account of the web-based application.
The age of the Internet of Things is developing vibrantly. In order to meet the requirement of proper citation, free reference management tools are available on the internet. Such tools may be freely accessible to computer users. These reference management tools prove to be helpful in the citation. For this purpose, the researcher needs to know the referencing style required for the research work. These online citation management systems help search, organise, and store the references for the research work.
Mendeley is one of the free reference management tools. With the help of these tools, the researcher can gather different references according to the needs and requirements. This application may be used on different resources of Macintosh systems. These resources include OpenOffice, LibreOffice and Word.
Enago’s Plagiarism Checker
Plagiarism is one of the major problems students are facing. Besides challenges, the researcher should avoid plagiarism. Researchers should ensure to keep plagiarism to an acceptable value. It remains also challenging for the researchers to check plagiarism in their content. There are different plagiarism checking software. One of the useful plagiarism checking software is Enago’s Plagiarism Checker. It is a unique plagiarism checking software. It is a comprehensive and quick plagiarism checking software. This software used for research publications.
With the use of this software, the researcher may be able to analyse the uniqueness of the research script. The copied or plagiarised material will be highlighted in the software. This software checking software is based on Artificial Intelligence. This software helps check the grammar of the research material. Software detects grammatical mistakes and gives suggestions to bring improvement to the manuscript.
Moreover, the strong editing tools in this software help improve the sentence structure. This plagiarism checking software has access to many published articles and web pages. Its database has over ninety-one thousand billion web pages and eighty-two million articles. This software is available in paid version only. However, it is cost-effective software that helps generate the most authentic results. This software generates a multi-coloured plagiarism report. The report may be accessed online or saved in PDF – Portable Document Format.
Enago’s Open Access Journal Finder
Gathering information from a reliable source is an important element of a good research paper. Recommended to use some reliable libraries to access relevant information. Access to information these days is easier compared to old times. Nowadays, information is available with a click. The researcher needs to select the authentic source and information to collect data for research.
“Engao’s OAJF – Open Access Journal Finder” is one of the most reliable research tools. With the use of this tool, the researcher will collect authentic information. In this way, the researcher will manage to produce recommended research papers. Getting premium membership of this tool grants the researcher access to DOAJ. DOAJ is the “Dictionary of Open Access Journals”. Therefore, the research generates access to specific resources according to search keywords.
Elsevier Journal Finder
Another reliable tool to find relevant published journals is “Elsevier Journal Finder”. The researcher needs to give the research title and abstract of the topic to search for relevant journals. This tool provides a search list that will be most suitable for the topic.
Most of the students try to get access to free sources. “Academiia.edu” is a free source of academic research. This tool consists of different types of research documents published around the world. Statistics reflect that this information database consists of more than twenty-two million research articles. Moreover, this online tool has thirty-one million academic researches available. It has been studied that this internet source is busy producing nearly twenty million algorithmic researches daily.
The researcher aims to study 6 commonly used research tools that every student should know. The basis of finding these tools is based on the primary objective of the research. The researcher suggestes the most authentic research tools: Grammarly, Mendeley, Enago’s Plagiarism Checker, Enago’s Open Access Journal Finder, Elsevier Journal Finder, and Acadaemia.edu. These tools will be useful in writing a good manuscript. Proper citation in the study will increase its credibility.
Author Bio:
Robert Fawl is a professional Content writer & Content Marketer. Based in London, Robert is an author and blogger with experience in encounter composing on various topics including but not limited to Essay Writing, Dissertation Writing, Coursework Writing Services, Thesis Writing Services and Assignment Writing etc.