Attic Insulation: Why it is Beneficial to You and Your Home

Have you ever felt a draft in your home and didn’t know where it came from? Well, if you don’t have an attic insulation in Houston or old isolation that needs to be replaced, your attic can be a source of problem.
Here are some ways of attic insulation can benefit you and your home.
- You can save your monthly bill moving in and out of your home throughout the year. It works the way in summer and then comes out during the winter. When you protect your attic, you can minimize air flow and stay hot when you want and save it if necessary, too. Attic insulation also allows you to use less energy to heat up and cool your home, which can save your money on your bill every month.
- Comfortable in your home – a house that is less regular is vulnerable to temperature fluctuating throughout the day. It might be difficult to get temperatures to stay in the place you want in your home. The temperature in your home will be determined by the temperature outside every day. Attic insulation will help the temperature of the house you set and stay right in the place you want.
- Helping the heating and cooling system you last longer – isolate your attic will keep the temperature in your house set so you don’t need to use your heating and cooling system. This will reduce use and help them last longer. The new heating and / or cooling system can be an expensive cost, so it spends money now on attic isolation to reduce the use of your system benefit you in the long run.
Things to Consider When Installing Attic Insulation
Having an attic isolation rate that is right in your home is clearly one of the most important considerations in keeping your energy costs low. Attic insulation protects from cold in winter, and also keeps cold during the summer months. What factor is the factor in towards making your attic place that is well isolated?
First check the type of attic isolation that you have. Many older houses have what is called BATT isolation. That’s the type that comes in a big roll, and is usually pink or yellow. Insulation is spread in the attic, generally between wooden beams. Other types of insulation are called blow-in isolation. Blow-ins isolation is usually installed by a professional contractor, because they have the right equipment to do work. Small insulation bits are mechanically blown into the attic, creating a blanket on the attic floor. You will generally find this kind of isolation in a new home.
Of course there is good and bad with BATT insulation or blow-in isolation. BATT insulation, when installed correctly gives the same r factor through the attic. R factor is measuring overall insulation performance, and also called thermal performance. It measures heat flow resistance. BATT Insulation BATT installed correctly will give you a uniform r factor through the entire attic.
Or, blow-in isolation is pushed into the attic with a machine. Although it is very difficult to blow it evenly through the whole attic, the result is a factor variable in that space. During the installation is done thoroughly, and the minimum number of inches needed to sit on the attic floor, isolation will do the trick. This makes the problem of non-uniform r factors as a whole.
The money involved with BATT and blow-in isolation is of course another factor that needs to be considered. Usually BATT isolation is cheaper to buy, but your time is something that needs to be considered too. A lot of time is needed to add isolation correctly, or replace existing isolation.
When adding an attic isolation, you certainly have to have the right equipment, including the right clothes, lots of time, and a lot of patience. Or, you can always contract work for a little more money, and have a blow-in isolation job finished in just a few hours without problems.