You can use everything from eye packs to potato grating to get rid of the dark circles under your eyes, which make you appear much older. You hate it when everything about your appearance is perfect and the only obstacle is dark and persistent under-eye circles. Don’t worry, most of us have been there at some point in our lives. We’ll tell you a secret, even some of the most stunning women often have to use concealers and makeup to hide their dark circles.
These dark circles not only make you look older than you really are, but also make you look sick or unhealthy. Before we even begin this natural journey, let me tell you than that dark circle heal and require a lot of discipline. According to the book, a regular skin care and health program is should be followed, so don’t expect magic to happen overnight.
A healthy diet is very important for dark circles under the eyes, green leaves, seasonal fruits, vegetables, fresh fruit juices. Anything that is healthy, homemade and rich in antioxidants should not be ignored. The effort may seem overwhelming, but you know that sooner or later you will see results. It should be noted that these natural remedies are only intended to help remove dark circle under the eyes, which in turn are tied to many factors as such as your stress or nutrition.
Here are some common causes of dark circles Let us first discuss some of the main causes of dark circles.
1. Lack Of Proper Water Intake
It is important to regularly flush toxins from the body and store them so that they do not harm you. Start with at least 10-12 glasses of water in your daily intake.
2. Hemoglobin Levels
You should also check for internal hemoglobin level issues and see your doctor to see if there is an internal weakness that requires vitamin supplements. However, this can also be replaced with a high protein content and a balanced diet.
3. Genetic Factors
Many times the cause of dark circles can be genetic and not directly related to food intake. In that case, you can’t completely remove it, but if it works properly, it can certainly reduce it a lot.
4. Lack Of Sleep
Night owls who party hard, smoke or drink should develop dark circles. Balance your lifestyle and get a good rest.
5. Stress
Most people who are very stressed also have trouble sleeping. They may suffer from disturbed sleep and tossing and turning or constant thoughts about to not sleeping. They often wake up in the morning with its constipation.
6. Lack Of Good Food
Junk, preservative-heavy food and lack of fresh salads and enough nutritious foods in your diet can also cause dull skin and dark circles.
7. Prolonged Illness
While recovering from a protracted illness, dark circles may begin to appear due to internal weakness.
8. Hours In Front Of The Computer
Long hours in front of the computer can strain the eyes and can lead to eye strain and dark circle. Place your eyes on your palms every hour to relax the eye muscles and improve blood circulation.