As Sparkly And Bright: 6 Reasons Why You Should Buy Lab-grown Pink Diamonds

Thinking of buying pink diamond jewelry? If you’re confused on whether you should buy lab-grown or mined, you need to know their differences first.
As you may already know, mined diamonds are produced naturally that’s why mines are created to find them. On the other hand, lab-grown diamonds are produced in a controlled laboratory setting where the heat and other factors are managed.
When it comes to their physical and chemical attributes, it’s hard to tell which is lab-grown and mined since not undergo the same process. The only difference is that lab-grown has the supervision of an expert.
With the closing of the biggest pink diamond mine, although there are still diamond mines in other countries, lab-grown diamonds can be your next option. If you want to know the reasons why you should go for it, then you should check the list below!
1. High-quality
Did you know that lab-grown diamonds can offer the same quality you can find in mined ones? More importantly, experts can create many high-quality diamonds as they already know how to control the process.
High-quality mined pink diamonds can be hard to find, which is one of the known reasons why Argyle mine closed. It applies to all mines. If the miners can no longer find any pink diamonds they can sell, then it’s time to stop looking for more.
Fortunately, lab-grown pink diamonds can now give people the chance to own pink diamonds based on their budget. Before, when only mined diamonds are available, it would cost them a lot of money because of their rarity.
2. More eco-friendly
Everyone knows that mining can be dangerous to humans and the environment. However, you can also get billions worth from a small gem inside of a mine. But whether it’s an issue about ethics or not, it’s a given that accidents and further damages can happen.
Of course, there can also be laboratory accidents, but it’s less likely to happen given that everything is controlled.
Environmentalists have been campaigning for a more environmentally friendly option which is lab-grown diamonds. If you think about it, instead of suffering from soil erosion and deforestation, people can just buy lab-grown diamonds.
So if you opt to buy pink diamond jewelry, then there’s a big chance that you did something to help the environment.
3. Less costly
Looking for a pink diamond that’s vibrant but costs less than the Argyle ones? Try looking at some lab-grown where you can find the perfect pink diamond for you. As naturally grown pink diamonds are rare, you will have to pay more for something just close to what you want.
So aside from the other factors mentioned before, the price also differs between the mined and lab-grown pink diamonds. You can have the same quality at a lower price just because the man-made pink diamonds are not as rare as the mined.
If you want to have high-quality pink diamond jewelry worth around 30% off, then you should choose the lab-grown.
4. Done in at least a few weeks
Unlike the mined pink diamonds that have been underground for the past decades or centuries, lab-grown diamonds can be created and sold in a matter of weeks.
Besides, it’s also a good thing that you know how you got the pink diamonds. That way, you won’t have to think about other issues such as “blood diamonds” and child labour. If you buy your diamonds straight from the lab, then you’ll be reassured that no one was harmed during the process.
5. Get the exact colour you want
Are you looking for a specific colour of a pink diamond? Lab-grown ones can be your option as you can have a lot more choices. With just some adjustments, experts can come up with the right diamond for you.
In addition, you won’t have to worry about the quality as lab-grown tends to be purer than the mined. Besides, lab-grown are manipulated so that they’re sure that the colour of the diamonds can last as long as the natural ones.
So if you want access to different hues of pink diamonds, there’s nothing wrong with visiting jewelry shops that offer lab-grown diamonds.
6. Still real
Of course, they’re still real. They may not be as expensive as mined diamonds, but lab-grown diamonds are also real diamonds. Again, the main difference is just a matter of rarity and the process.
It’s not like lab-grown diamonds are invented overnight, right? A series of researches have been done for the past decades that’s why you can now look for high-grade man-made diamonds. Aside from colourless and pink diamonds, you can also see other fancy-coloured diamonds in the market.
Still, the final decision is up to you. If you’re not yet ready for lab-grown diamonds, then you should at least have a look. But if you decided to buy man-made pink diamond jewelry, then let us know what you think about it by commenting below!